iPhone XR a bestseller

Although the iPhone XR was released in September 2018, it was during 2019 that we have seen its resounding success, even with the advent of the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 11 Pro. A new study confirms what many of us assumed: it’s been a bestseller.

«The world’s Best-Selling iPhone»

According to new data from Counterpoint Research (which you have to keep in mind that it’s not Apple’s official data), the iPhone XR has been the world’s most popular mobile phone model, surpassing even any Android model in units sold e regardless of the price range.

They indicate that the iPhone XR, with the exception of the September 2018 release quarter, the iPhone XR has been the world’s best-selling model in all quarters since the fourth quarter of 2018. This has made it according to a quarter of Apple’s iPhone sales during this time.

A Device You Like on Its Own

On the other hand, they also crumble the TOP sales of the last quarter of this year. As noted, the iPhone XR takes the top spot with a 3% share and is followed in second and third place the Samsung Galaxy A10 and A50 with 2.6% and 1.9% share respectively. It sneaks into this list of the best-selling mobiles worldwide also the newly released iPhone 11 in a fifth place with a 1.6% share.

Why this success? We saw it from the moment of its presentation, the iPhone XR has been able to incorporate the key functions and features to be a mobile at the forefront without increasing its price as much as the superior models. If we add to this the different offers and promotions that Apple has made throughout the year and in different regions of the world… we have the perfect combo to get a bestseller.